National Games in Surkhet: Accommodation Concerns Raise Questions

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National Games

Surkhet, Nepal: The upcoming 10th National Games, scheduled to take place in Surkhet on November 17th, are facing uncertainty due to accommodation shortages. The federal government has expressed concerns about the city’s capacity to house the thousands of athletes expected to participate.

Youth and Sports Minister Tejulal Chaudhary highlighted that Surkhet can only accommodate around 1,000 people, while the games are anticipated to draw over 4,000 participants. He emphasized the need for the Nepal Army, Nepal Police, and Armed Police Force to manage their own players’ accommodations.

Karnali Province Sports Council, however, insists that the accommodation issue can be resolved. Member Secretary Bishwamitra Sanjyal proposed several solutions, including holding some games before the official opening, utilizing sports facilities in nearby districts, and coordinating with local governments to arrange homestays and temporary housing.

Despite these assurances, the federal government remains skeptical about the feasibility of hosting the games on the scheduled date. Minister Chaudhary warned that postponing the event beyond November could be challenging due to weather conditions.

Karnali Province Sports Council, on the other hand, accused the federal government of attempting to delay the games. Member Secretary Sanjyal argued that the accommodation challenges could be addressed with proper planning and coordination.

The National Games, a significant sporting event in Nepal, have a history of delays and inconsistencies. This year’s edition is facing additional hurdles due to the logistical challenges of hosting such a large-scale event in a relatively smaller city.

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